Winfried Flach
Contemporary art | Germany
Winfried Flach
(born 1933 - †2020) After concluding his formal education Winfried Flach went on to attend Offenbach University. Under the guidance of Gertrud Sentke, Professor of Art from Kronberg/Ts. he became focused on painting and sculpture. In addition to his artistic activities he was also responsible for purchase and design with many different international companies.
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Through his travelling, Winfried had the opportunity to get to know different foreign cultures. The Far East and especially Columbia and Brazil influenced his feeling for colours and helped him to portray his ideas and feelings. Since 1992 he has concentrated only on painting and sculpture. His first years as a freelance artist were spent in Palm Beach, USA. He has lived in Mallorca, which has become his second home, since 1998. The island´s light has always inspired him to combine new and unusual colours. Winfried Flach is an outstanding artist with his own ideas who ignores the changing artistic trends. Central aspects such as colour, light and contour are given a new definition through his eyes, and his pictures live from their intensive colours and their strong background structures. The often used harsh colour contrasts against each other are visual through the dissolving colours and impression. His Sculptures are often in a shape of a tulip, as well as they mirror of in his pictures.