
EVA KONYA @ St.Valentine´s

Eva Konya presents her series "Glamor Roses" and paints live in the Galeria HMH.

"With the rose, the artist tells her life story. The subjective search for perfection, space and vocation in life gave the initial spark. Éva Kónya, born in Hungary, sun and light grew up spoiled, life station in Hamburg with graphic studies, publishing activities as art Director, came to Mallorca in 2006. After an intensive examination of old masters of Dutch painting, it was the floral creatures that inspired her artistic research heart, above all the roses, which embodied nothing more than a symbol for the artist's eternal search for Light and sun as well as the individual search for soul, joy, change and change as a principle of life - this is what defines Éva Kónya's life: In her universe and in that of the rose the same applies: Everything flows. Everything is a big whole. The world is perfect. " Kathrein Weinhold

Event Details

  • From: 07.02.2020
  • To: 29.02.2020
  • Starting at: 10:00
  • Finishing at: 18:00


  • C/ de sa Fabrica 11
  • Mallorca
  • 07157
  • Spain
  • +34610159543
  • www.galeria-hmh.com