
Max Pedreira

Contemporary artist | Argentina

Maximiliano Pedreira

He was born in the city of San Martín, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, in 1978.

At the age of 6, he began his artistic journey in a visual arts workshop.

As a self-taught artist, thanks to his great ability to observe the works of the great masters, he absorbed artistic knowledge and, through tireless practice and immense imagination, was able to fuse it into an unmistakably unique style.

Pedreira, who also works as a teacher, has held over 80 international exhibitions throughout his career.

He has served as a juror and curator in various competitions and exhibitions, including: juror in the city of Larroque, Entre Ríos (twice), juror in Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, curator for the Brothers Grimm Association, Kassel, Germany, curator at the Wilhelm Busch Birthplace Museum, Wiedensahl, Germany, and curator at the Struwwelpeter Museum, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.