Hubert Heinrich
Artist | Germany
The Artist
Hubert Heinrich – What is important is not Vita and the number of exhibitions or the number of prizes won, – no – important is the attitude of an artist to his work! This is a process over many years, which cannot be fixed at a short moment. So much changes in a life and every day changes can occur of which we still have no idea!
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1960 Born in Aachen, Germany
1977 Apprenticeship as carpenter, followed by studies at the technical
secondary school for design in Aachen
1994 Completed studies object design at the FH-Aachen
Main focus – painting and abstraction
since 1992 artistic engagement with constructive design
1999 Winner of the “Silverprize” of the “1st international carpet design
competition 99″, Kyoto (Japan), carpet designs
since 2001 freelance artist
The artist can be seen in numerous exhibitions.